

Mapa Mental sobre Magnet, creado por valtas88 el 06/05/2015.
Mapa Mental por valtas88, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por valtas88 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Natural - dug from earth's crust known as lodestone
    1. Made of magnetite which is a form of iron ore.
    2. Man-Made (Artificial)
      1. Is an object made of magnetic material. A magnetic substance can be made into a magnet
        1. Can pull other objects made of iron or steel
          1. Points in a North-South direction
            1. A magnet exerts pulling force - magnetic force. Strongest part of magnet is at the ends of the magnet known as poles.
              1. Whatever shapes of magnet, still have north and south poles
                1. Shapes, Horseshoe, U-shaped, Rod, Bar, Ring, Button
                2. Poles of magnet - N-Pole or S-Pole
                  1. Like poles - N-Pole & N-Pole OR S-Pole & S-Pole. They repel each other
                    1. Unlike poles - N-pole & S-pole. They attract each other
                  2. Magnetic Force - can pass through non magnetic object such as glass, paper, plastic and water
                    1. Strongest at its poles and weakest at the centre of magnet
                      1. Strength depends on : 1) distance between the magnet and object; 2) how magnetic the magnet is; 3) weight of object.
                        1. Magnet force, is felt outside the magnet - called magnetic field
                        2. Strength of Magnets
                          1. Made of iron or steel are not strong
                            1. Made of steel or mixtures of cobalt and nickel do not lose magnetism easily. Known as permanent magnets
                              1. Made of Iron tend to lose magnetism easily
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