Grade 10 Chem overview


Grade 10 Chemistry Mapa Mental sobre Grade 10 Chem overview, creado por ilovelionz el 10/10/2013.
Mapa Mental por ilovelionz, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ilovelionz hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Grade 10 Chem overview
  1. Metals
    1. form cations (think cat on a steel beam)
      1. Multivalent elements
        1. cations can have diff # of valence electrons, still be stable
          1. can form 2 diff compounds w/ a non-metal
            1. Ex. CuCl and CuCl2
              1. copper (I) chloride
                1. copper (II) chloride
                  1. Which is it?
                    1. Undo crisscross
                      1. check that non-metal has the right charge (subscripts might be reduced)
              2. Ionic bond
                1. Attraction between opposite electrostatic forces
                  1. Divide subscript by GCM
                2. Non-metals
                  1. Form anions (steal electrons, therefore evil)
                    1. Polyatomic ions
                      1. stable group of atoms with overall electric charge
                        1. Molecules
                          1. behave like single ion in ionic compound
                          2. only form in presence of a metal
                            1. except ammonium (+)
                            2. Naming
                              1. polyatomic: first (non-oxygen) element "ate"
                                1. normal ionic compound naming
                                  1. Except OH (hyrdoxide), NH4 (ammonium)
                                2. Formula
                                  1. crisscross, but treat polyatomic as one element with one charge
                                3. Molecule
                                  1. two or more covalently bonded atoms (typically non-metal)
                                    1. atoms share unpaired electrons
                                      1. if no unpaired left, a pair may swing up to be shared
                                    2. molecular elements- HOF BrINCl
                                      1. diatomic elements mostly halogens
                                      2. Molecular compounds
                                        1. Compound-diff elements
                                        2. NEVER reduce subscript
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