Gravett's meaningful vs rote learning


Mapa Mental sobre Gravett's meaningful vs rote learning, creado por Samantha Eva el 09/05/2015.
Samantha Eva
Mapa Mental por Samantha Eva, actualizado hace más de 1 año Más Menos
Lize Vorster
Creado por Lize Vorster hace más de 9 años
Samantha Eva
Copiado por Samantha Eva hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Gravett's meaningful vs rote learning
  1. Rote learning
    1. short term
      1. Learner did not construct own meaning
        1. Definition
          1. Contrived concepts
            1. solutions to artifical problems
              1. learning arbitrary associations
            2. Meaningful learning
              1. Long-term
                1. Acquisition and retention of complex network of interrelated ideas
                  1. Organised body of knowledge to be incorporated in cognitive structures
                    1. Learning not equated with memorisation (only)
                      1. Learning vs. studying
                        1. Learning = acquisition of new knowledge, skills and attitudes
                          1. Studying = knowledge and skills deliberately committed to long-term memory
                        2. Experiential learning
                          1. Def
                            1. Process by which knowledge is created through the transformation of experience
                              1. Learning is process of reflection on and interpretation of experience
                                1. Every one's construction of knowledge is unique
                                2. Most important teaching task
                                  1. Consider learners' experience when mediating learning
                                    1. experiences used as the basis for formal learning
                                      1. Educator creates opportunity for learners to construct new knowldge by means of authentic experiences
                                        1. For learning to occur, experience must be reconstructed/transformed by learner
                                      2. How?
                                        1. Link learning with previous experience
                                          1. Build bridges between known and unknown
                                            1. Find similarities and differences between old and new
                                              1. Point out analogies and relationships
                                                1. Be sensitive to lifestyle/culture/gender differences
                                                2. Base learning on current experiences
                                                  1. Link learning to current events (home/community/world)
                                                  2. Create new experiences
                                                    1. Active participation
                                                      1. Role-playing
                                                        1. Games
                                                          1. Simulations
                                                            1. Case studies
                                                            2. Social interaction
                                                              1. Expiditions
                                                                1. Outings
                                                                  1. field trips
                                                            3. Characteristics of meaningful learning
                                                              1. Problems
                                                                1. Define problems & troubleshoots solutions
                                                                  1. Consider alternatives and be open to new ideas
                                                                    1. See issues from different perspectives
                                                                      1. Take responsibility to complete sustained problems
                                                                      2. Research
                                                                        1. Tolerate ambiguity
                                                                          1. Make and specify your assumptions
                                                                            1. Develop line of argument and marshal support for it
                                                                              1. Value evidence
                                                                                1. Collect, aggregate, analyze and portray data
                                                                                  1. Produce and generate solutions
                                                                                    1. Synthesise knowledge from a variety of sources
                                                                                      1. Recognise that knowledge is tentative
                                                                                      2. Attitude
                                                                                        1. Persist in the face of failure
                                                                                          1. Be reflective
                                                                                            1. Self-asses own progress and make corrections
                                                                                          2. Characteristics of rote learning
                                                                                            1. Memorising, parroting, cramming, regurgitation of facts
                                                                                              1. Learning by repetition
                                                                                                1. Reading without understanding
                                                                                                  1. Mastering foundational knowledge
                                                                                                    1. Learning unrelated facts
                                                                                                      1. Learning things that cannot be put into practice
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