The Collaboration Team


A web-based creation of an idea from my Reaction Paper 2.
Mapa Mental por elee6001, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por elee6001 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Collaboration Team
  1. Teachers
    1. General Education Teachers
      1. Bring content specialty
        1. Be familiar with students achievements, test scores, and progress
          1. Valuable member
            1. Most knowledgeable of general education curriculum
            2. Special Education Teachers
              1. Bring assessment and adaptation specializations
                1. Monitors and provides services for students with disabilities
                  1. Assess and design programs best suited for the student with a disability
                    1. Most knowledgeable of assessment, teaching methods/strategies, and behavior management for students with special needs
                  2. Paraprofessionals
                    1. Provide routine support for teachers
                      1. Accompanies the students to classes and activities
                        1. Provide physical and emotional care for students
                          1. Coordinate and plan student routines in classrooms
                            1. Ensure consistency in school programs for students with special needs
                            2. Parents/Family Members
                              1. Play a critical role
                                1. Most knowledgable of a student
                                  1. Can input appropriate decisions/perspectives for instruction and planning to best meet the needs of a student
                                  2. Physical Therapists (PT)
                                    1. Teach students to develop gross motor skills
                                      1. Increase muscle strength & tone
                                        1. Evaluate student's overall motor functions
                                          1. Designs and implements programs
                                          2. Occupational Therapists (OT)
                                            1. Teach simple daily tasks
                                              1. Teach students to develop fine motor skills
                                                1. Monitors posture and reflexes
                                                  1. Assists teachers in modifying class activities to facilitate fine motor development
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                                                  Francés - Vocabulario Básico
                                                  maya velasquez
                                                  Tablas de multiplicar
                                                  Carmen Giralda
                                                  Inglés para Selectividad
                                                  Diego Santos
                                                  La Edad Media en la Música
                                                  Estudio de Mercado
                                                  Fomentando la Creatividad en el Aula
                                                  Diego Santos
                                                  ANIMALES INVERTEBRADOS
                                                  Patssy Juliana Cabrera Rachen
                                                  Micosis cutáneas (Dermatofitosis)
                                                  CÁLCULO MENTAL - De Mapa Mental
                                                  JL Cadenas
                                                  Mapa de navegacion aulas virtuales
                                                  Blanca Emilce BERNAL ANTONIO
                                                  ANTZINAKO ERLIJIOAK (Txantxiloia)
                                                  Txemi López