Defined by terms “imparting” “sending”
“transmitting” “giving information to others”
控制为目的信息传递Communication was viewed as a process and a
technology, spread, transmit, and disseminate
knowledge, ideas, and information farther and faster
with the goal of controlling space and people
sometimes for religious purpose,
dominated American
but exhausted in
terms of behaviour
and functional terms
metaphor of geography
or transportation
问题所在 derangement drives from an obsessive commitment
to a transmission model and derivative representation of
communication in complementary model of power
Defined by terms such as “sharing” “participation”
“association” “fellowship”, and “the
possession of a common faith”
文化共享过程communication is toward the
maintenance of society in time and
representation of share beliefs.
communication is directed not toward the extension of
messages in space but toward the maintenance of society in
time; not the act of imparting information but the
representation of share beliefs.
based on Deway's work
communication is mainly about
sharing and participation; problems of
communication are linked to problems
of community, to problems
surrounding the kinds of communities
we create and in which we live.
Communication is a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired, and transformed.
1. a real world of objects, events, and processes that
we observe. 2. there is a language or symbols that
name these events in the real world and create more
or less adequate descriptions of them
两种传播观没有彼此否定 a ritual view dose not exclude the
processes of information transmission or attitude change.
it emphasis that people need cast within an essentially
ritualistic view communication and social order.