Resting Membrane Potential


RMP in ItN module
Mapa Mental por lucyslade1, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lucyslade1 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Resting Membrane Potential
  1. Specific distribution of ions at rest make the inside of the neuron negative relative to the outside
    1. Electrical potential: measure of stored power, or potential energy
      1. Created by a difference in charge across a membrane
        1. Created by an unequal distribution of ions
      2. Actively maintained by channels, gates & pumps in plasma membrane to counter effects of diffusion and voltage gradients
        1. Large, negatively charged A- anions remains inside cell
          1. Ungated K+ channels allow K+ to move freely across membrane
            1. K+ is kept out
              1. Na+/K+ pumps bring K+ into cell from extracellular fluid
                1. The pumps pass Na+ out of cell from intracellular fluid
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