Arch 2 all the topics


Mapa Mental sobre Arch 2 all the topics, creado por Lizzie Underhill el 15/05/2015.
Lizzie Underhill
Mapa Mental por Lizzie Underhill, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lizzie Underhill
Creado por Lizzie Underhill hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Arch 2 all the topics
  1. post excavation
    1. sexing
      1. ageing
        1. analysing faunal remains
          1. qualifying animal bones
            1. molluses and insects
              1. analysis of plant remains
                1. metallographic Analysis
                  1. pottery/ceramics
                    1. Lithics
                      1. Dating methods
                        1. abosute
                          1. dendrocronolgy
                            1. amino acid racimisation
                              1. TL
                                1. radio carbon
                                  1. potasum argon dating
                                    1. obsidian hydration dating
                                2. excavation
                                  1. diffrent types of archaological investigation
                                    1. watch brief
                                      1. desk based assessment
                                        1. archaeologyical feild excavation
                                          1. archaeological excavations
                                          2. two basic dimentions
                                            1. horezontal
                                              1. veritical
                                                1. the importance of context
                                                2. health and safety
                                                  1. exavation methods
                                                    1. sondage
                                                      1. trenches
                                                        1. box grids
                                                          1. quadrant system
                                                            1. open area
                                                            2. underwater Archaeology
                                                              1. specialist equipment
                                                                1. possitives
                                                                  1. negatives
                                                                    1. the mary rose
                                                                    2. recording techniques
                                                                      1. photographs
                                                                        1. written records
                                                                        2. on site recovery methods
                                                                          1. froth flotation
                                                                            1. used to detect ting organic remains
                                                                              1. seeds shells,pips, fish bones
                                                                              2. how?
                                                                                1. 1) a sample of soil is placed in the flotation tank
                                                                                  1. 2) parafin is then addednto the tank which then selectively coats itself to organic matter- this increases surface area
                                                                                    1. 3) detergant is then added to the tank and flotation is speed up
                                                                                      1. 4) Organic matter floats to the surface which can then be skimmed off and dried and sorted
                                                                                    2. sieving
                                                                                      1. diffrent sized sieves to find small finds
                                                                                    3. ppg16
                                                                                    4. pre excavation
                                                                                      1. aerial photography
                                                                                        1. geophysical survey
                                                                                          1. earthwork/ field suvey
                                                                                            1. sampling statgies
                                                                                              1. random
                                                                                                1. stratified
                                                                                                  1. sistimatic
                                                                                                  2. hachures
                                                                                                    1. desktop survey
                                                                                                      1. field walking
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