(1) What are the composition of the UK Parliament?


A level ( Parliament) Governing the UK - 2C Mapa Mental sobre (1) What are the composition of the UK Parliament?, creado por Marcus Danvers el 14/10/2013.
Marcus  Danvers
Mapa Mental por Marcus Danvers, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Marcus  Danvers
Creado por Marcus Danvers hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

(1) What are the composition of the UK Parliament?
  1. House of commons
    1. The powers
      1. The supreme legislative power, and in theory can make, unmake and amend any law it likes
        1. The house alone can remove the government of the day – this is based on collective responsibility. A government which is defeated in the Commons on a major issue or matter of confidence would be
        2. voting FPTP
          1. Front benchers hold a ministerial or shadow role
          2. House of lords
            1. Complex and controversial as peers are not elected
              1. Current membership based on House of Lords Act 1999 which removed most of the hereditary peers, and 2005 Constitutional Reform Act, removing the Law of the Lords from the House of Lords & set up a Supreme Court (2009)
                1. Hereditary peers: inherited peerage & descended in rank
                  1. Since 1999 only 92 are permitted to sit – they were elected by all hereditary peers in the ‘unreformed’ House of Lords
                  2. Lords Spiritual’: Bishops & archbishops of the Church of England
                    1. Total 26, appointed by PM on recommendations by C of E
                    2. Life peers: entitled to sit for their lifetime.
                      1. Appointed under the Life Peerages Act 1958. The are appointed by the PM, but can be nominated by opposition party leaders.
                      2. Powers of House of Lords
                        1. Legislative powers set out in Parliament Act, 1911 & 1949
                          1. The Lords can delay bills passed by the House of Commons for up to one year… except “money bills”
                            1. or, by the Salisbury Convention, measures which were outlined in the government’s election manifesto
                            2. They possess some veto powers that cannot be overridden by the Commons e.g. Delaying a general election to extend the life of Parliament, sack senior judges (needs consent of both Houses of Parliament), introduce secondary, or delegated legislation
                          2. Monarchy
                            1. Non-executive Head of State (embodies the power & authority of the state)
                              1. The Queen does have the role of appointing the government, as she chooses the PM who appoint people to government roles.
                                1. Officially opens Parliament each year (late Oct/early Nov) and dissolves Parliament in order to allow a general election
                                  1. The Royal Assent – final stage of the legislative process, when the Queen signs a bill to make it an Act – this is a formality because by convention monarchs do not refuse to do this.
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