Kingdom Plantae


Kingdom plantae and some basic traits of it.
Mapa Mental por JARAMILLO ERAZO , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por JARAMILLO ERAZO hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Kingdom Plantae
  1. Green Algae
    1. No embryos
      1. Aquatic
        1. Flagellated spores for reproduction
        2. Related to protista
          1. Non-vascular
            1. Seedless
              1. Small in size
              2. Bryophytes
                1. Multicellular
                  1. Mosses
                  2. Non-vascular
                    1. Small in size
                      1. Moist soil
                        1. Flagellated spores for reproduction
                    2. Alternation of generations
                      1. Seedless
                        1. Embryos
                        2. Gymnosperms
                          1. Seeds in cones
                            1. Alternation of generations
                            2. Seeded Vascular
                              1. Exposed seeds
                                1. Moved by air
                                  1. Pollination
                                  2. Dormant seeds for long time
                                    1. Orange= Relationships
                                      1. Brown: Angiosperms
                                        1. KEY:
                                        2. Green: Gymnosperms
                                          1. Purple: Tracheophytes
                                            1. Yellow: Bryophytes
                                              1. Blue: Green Algae
                                      2. Cones with only one type of gametophyte
                                        1. Male OR Female
                                          1. Pine Tree
                                    2. Angiosperms
                                      1. Seed in flower or fruit
                                        1. Seed in a closed ovary
                                          1. Ovary wall will convert into a fruit
                                            1. Dormant seed for long time
                                              1. Flowers with both gametophytes
                                                1. Male AND Female
                                                  1. Margarita flower
                                              2. Moved by air or animals
                                                1. Pollination
                                                  1. No need of water for fertilization
                                                2. Alternation of generations
                                                  1. Cotyledons
                                                    1. Monocot
                                                      1. One pair of seed leaves
                                                        1. Floral parts in threes
                                                          1. Pollen grain has one pore or furrow
                                                            1. Vascular bundles throughout stem's ground tissue
                                                          2. Parallel leaf veins
                                                        2. Dicot
                                                          1. Two pair of seed leaves
                                                            1. Floral parts in fours or fives
                                                              1. Pollen grain has three pores or furrows
                                                                1. Vascular bundles arranged in a ring
                                                              2. Netlike leaf veins
                                                          2. 5 main clades
                                                            1. Amborella
                                                              1. One specie that is very old
                                                                1. Formation of floral parts in a spiral
                                                              2. Water lily
                                                                1. Magnoliids
                                                                  1. Great floral diversity
                                                                  2. Monocots
                                                                    1. Crop species
                                                                    2. Eudicots
                                                                      1. True dicots
                                                                        1. Wide diversity
                                                                          1. Secondary growth
                                                                  3. Seeded Vascular
                                                                  4. Tracheophytes
                                                                    1. Seedless Vascular
                                                                      1. Vascular Tissue
                                                                        1. High plants
                                                                          1. Ferns
                                                                        2. Lack of seeds
                                                                          1. Alternation of generations
                                                                            1. Flagellated spores for reproduction
                                                                              1. Needs water for reproduction
                                                                              2. Seedless
                                                                                1. Embryos
                                                                              3. BY: Natalia Jaramillo Erazo
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