Meditation 4


Andrea BR.
Mapa Mental por Andrea BR., actualizado hace más de 1 año
Andrea BR.
Creado por Andrea BR. hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Meditation 4
  1. Meditations on First Philosophy
    1. Meditation #4 "Truth and falsity"
      1. All that I know
        1. Comes from
          1. Intellect
            1. God
              1. Good
                1. Won't deceive me
                  1. Because it is not in his nature
                2. Created me
                  1. He is responsible for my judgement
                    1. It must be infallible
                      1. If used right
                        1. Why do I get mistaken?
                      2. I am somewhere between
                        1. God
                          1. and
                            1. Nothingness
                        2. I am finite
                          1. God's reasons are
                            1. not understood by me
                              1. I am not perfect
                3. Possibility of Error
                  1. Does not result from imperfections of
                    1. the intellect
                      1. Faculty of Knowledge
                        1. Imagines
                        2. Perceive ideas
                          1. not judgements
                            1. No ERROR
                          2. Created by God
                            1. NO ERROR
                            2. Finite
                              1. Matter of degree
                                1. 1, Super smart 2. Arithmetic level 3. No understanding
                            3. the will
                              1. The faculty of choice
                                1. Affirming
                                  1. Chooses to doubt about something
                                  2. Denying
                                  3. as great as God's...
                                    1. Infinite
                                    2. Indefference
                                      1. Lack of knowledge
                                  4. The will has a wider scope than the understanding
                                    1. Example
                                      1. Will judges
                                        1. things
                                          1. Not completely understood
                                            1. In cases of uncertainty
                                              1. do not judge so you don't get mistaken
                                              2. ERROR
                                    2. Relationship
                                      1. Between
                                        1. Mind and body
                                          1. ?????
                                      2. 2+2=4 or 2+2=22
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