Psychological Explanations of Sz


A mind map outlining the A01 and A02 points for an essay
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Resumen del Recurso

Psychological Explanations of Sz
  1. Diathesis-stress model
    1. A01
      1. Suggests Sz have bio predisposition to disorder then stressful life event trigger psychotic symptoms
        1. Bio predisposition
          1. Psychological vulnerability
            1. Faulty thinking
              1. Environmental triggers
                1. Psychotic symptoms
        2. A02
          1. Research support
            1. Brown + Birley
              1. Found approximately 50% of people experienced major life event in 3 weeks prior to Sz episode, whereas only one in 9 weeks prior to that
            2. D-s model poses more of a holistic approach to explanation of Sz
              1. Takes in to account mental + social factors
          2. Psychodynamic approach
            1. A01
              1. Abnormal upbringing leads to weak + fragile ego, can't contain ids desires, therefore ego broken down leaving id in overall control of psyche
                1. Person loses contact w/ reality
                  1. Can no longer distinguish between themselves + others, their desires + fantasies + reality
                2. Regression to state of 'primary narcissism' leads to hallucinating as result of basic inability to distinguish between imaginations + reality
                3. A02
                  1. Research support
                    1. Oltmanns et al
                      1. Found parents of Sz patients behave differently from parents of other kinds of patients
                    2. Approach isn't falsifiable
                      1. There is no way to disprove it
                        1. It is also deterministic
                          1. Claims that one thing will lead to another
                    3. Family models
                      1. A01
                        1. Double-bind theory
                          1. Bateson
                            1. Contradictory signals by fam. members lead to internal conflict
                              1. Sz symptoms are result of trying to escape D-B
                                1. Usually mother
                              2. Expressed emotion
                                1. Brown
                                  1. Fam. members display high levels of EE
                                    1. Increases stress levels in patient beyond their coping mechanisms, triggering Sz episodes
                                2. A02
                                  1. Research support
                                    1. Brown et al
                                      1. Found relapse more likely where fam. is high in 'expressed emotion'
                                        1. 58% VS 10%
                                    2. Cannot establish cause + effect
                                      1. EE may be effect brought about by behaviour of a Sz rather than being a cause of Sz
                                  2. Labelling theory
                                    1. A01
                                      1. Scheff
                                        1. Sz symptoms seen as deviant from rules of 'normal behaviour'
                                          1. If person displays these behaviours they may be labelled Sz leading them to display more of the symptoms
                                      2. A02
                                        1. Research support
                                          1. Rosenhan
                                            1. Found once label of Sz had been applied it influenced way staff behaved towards patient
                                          2. Too simplistic
                                            1. Fails to take into account bio explanations
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