Second Language Acquisition


Kailyn Webb
Mapa Mental por Kailyn Webb, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kailyn Webb
Creado por Kailyn Webb hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Second Language Acquisition
  1. Input Hypothesis - Stephen Krashen
    1. The most important question in language acquisition - "How do we acquire language?" "The same way."
      1. Comprehensible input
        1. anything to help language acquisition
          1. talking is not practicing
        2. BICS vs CALP - Jim Cummins
          1. BICS - basic interpersonal communicative skills
            1. discreet language skills - decoding skills
              1. rule-governed aspects of language
              2. converstaion flunecy - what kinds bring to school around ages 4-5; can respond to questions; fluent in their language (basic)
              3. CALP - cognitive academic language proficiency
                1. our ability to produce increasingly complex aspects of the language
              4. Universal Grammar - Noam Chomsky
                1. States that all human language rests on innate blocks of expression - verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc
                2. Threshold Hypothesis - Jim Cummins
                  1. bilingualism has positive effects on children
                  2. Critical Period Hypothesis - Eric Lenneberg
                    1. language acquisition is linked to age
                      1. first years are critical period
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