The Circulatory System


Mapa Mental por livvy.b.m.adams, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por livvy.b.m.adams hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Circulatory System
  1. includes
    1. blood
      1. that consist of
        1. plasma
          1. platelets
            1. red blood cell
              1. white blood cell
          2. includes
            1. heart
              1. has
                1. SA node
                  1. sends impulses to
                    1. AV node
                      1. sends impulses through
                        1. Purkinje fibers
                2. blood first comes to
                  1. superior vena cava
                    1. to
                      1. right atrium
                        1. through
                          1. AV valve
                            1. to
                              1. right ventricle
                                1. through
                                  1. semi lunar valve
                                    1. to
                                      1. pulmonary arteries
                  2. blood then returns from lungs to
                    1. pulmonary veins
                      1. to
                        1. left atrium
                          1. through
                            1. AV valve
                              1. to
                                1. left ventricle
                                  1. through
                                    1. semi lunar valve
                                      1. to
                                        1. aorta
                    2. goes through
                      1. diastole
                        1. systole
                    3. has
                      1. blood vessels
                        1. such as
                          1. veins
                            1. that consist of
                              1. iliac vein
                                1. mesentric vein
                                  1. coronary vein
                                    1. jugular veins
                                      1. umbilical vein
                                        1. subclavian vein
                                          1. renal vein
                                            1. femoral vein
                                              1. great sapherous vein
                                                1. vena cava
                                              2. arteries
                                                1. that consist of
                                                  1. carotid artery
                                                    1. subclavian artery
                                                      1. renal artery
                                                        1. mesentric artery
                                                          1. iliac artery
                                                            1. femoral artery
                                                              1. coronary artery
                                                                1. umbilical artery
                                                                  1. aorta
                                                                2. capillaries
                                                                  1. are involved in
                                                                    1. capillary tissue exchange
                                                                3. are right beside the
                                                                  1. lymphatic system
                                                                    1. that consist of
                                                                      1. lymph veins
                                                                        1. lymph nodes
                                                                          1. lymph veins
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