Progressive Era


This is a mind map about the Progressive Era (1890s-1920s). It has different categories of the era such as racial discrimination, environmentalism, working conditions, big businesses, and women's rights. Under these categories, there are the different people and events that contributed to these individual movements that changed the course of history in America.
Channing Gallahar
Mapa Mental por Channing Gallahar, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Channing Gallahar
Creado por Channing Gallahar hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Progressive Era
  1. Big Business
    1. The Sherman Antitrust Act was passed in 1890. This act put into place to create a fair economy and competition. It also regulated interstate commmerce.
      1. The Meat Inspection Act was passed in 1906 and it ensured that all meat products are to be processed under strict sanitary conditions. The workers were also not allowed to misbrand meat products.
        1. The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 was passed in 1906 and it ensured that all food and drugs had to pass strict safety and cleanliness testing.
          1. Woodrow Wilson was the President of the US from March 1913-March 1921. He put the Federal Reseve Act into practice in December of 1913. This act provided the United States with a stable, safe, and flexible monetary and financial system.
          2. Immigrant living conditions
            1. The Hull House was opened on September 18, 1889 and it was created to give immigrants a place to participate in programs for their transition and recreational activities.
            2. Working Conditions
              1. The Clayton Antitrust Act was passed in 1914 and it banned price discrimination and anti-competitive merges. This act also made strikes and boycotts legal.
                1. Uptun Sinclair was a writer in in 1900s. He fought against powerful monopolies and he also fought for worker's rights.
                  1. Jacob Riis was born in May of 1849 and was a journalist who publicized the housing, education, and poverty crisises happening in America.
                    1. William Howard Taft was the president of the United States from March 1909-March 1913. In his term, he gave congress the power to create income taxes and empowered the Interstate Commerce Commision to set railroad rates.
                    2. Environmentalism
                      1. Theodore Roosevelt was president of the United states from 1901-1909. He passed several acts that had to do with protecting the environment.
                        1. National Wildlife Refuge System was created in 1903 by Theodore Rosevelt in order to preserve America's wildlife, including animals and plants.
                          1. John Muir was born in April of 1838 and he was a journalist and is known for establishing several National Parks throughout America,
                            1. Gifford Pinchot was born in Aug 1865. He was the forst chief of the US Forest Service, he tripled the nation's forest reserves, and he also invested in the long term health of the environment.
                            2. Women's Rights
                              1. National American Suffrage Assoc. was formed on February 18, 1890 and it is an organization that was created to advocate for women's rights . They helped pass the 19th Ammendment
                                1. Alice Paul was born in January of 1885. She was a women's rights activist and she was one of the main leaders of the 19th Ammendent campaign.
                                  1. The 19th Ammendment was passed in August of 1920. This ammendment was passed in order to secure women's right to vote.
                                    1. Jane Addams was born in Sept, 1860 and she was an important leader in the women's suffrage movement.
                                    2. Racial Discrimination
                                      1. The NAACP stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. It was founded in February of 1909 and it was an organization centered around advancing justice for African Americans.
                                        1. The Tuskegee Institute is a universty that was created for the higher learning of African Americans. It was founded in 1881 and is in Tuskegee, Alabama.
                                          1. Booker T Washington was born in April of 1865. He was a dominant leader of the African American community, as well as an educator. He founded the Tuskegee Institute.
                                          2. The Progressive Era was a time when there was widespread social activism and political reform. It lasted from the 1890s to the 1920s.
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