
Mapa Mental sobre Sin título, creado por teooviedo el 15/06/2015.
Mapa Mental por teooviedo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por teooviedo hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. George seems to gain power by the end of the play. will he be able to keep it?
    1. George keeps this power by making things matrha does not want to be made
      1. Talking about their non-existant son while playing a game
        1. By this way, he has the power over her and finaly he uses this to make her feel extremely upset and make her see reality
        2. His power is so much bigger comparing it with the start of the story that he had the opportunity of deciding on his sons life, so finaly he decide that he died in a car accident
          1. This shows that if martha makes something he really does not want, he has the power to take revenge
        3. What is the power dynamic in nick and honeys relationship?
          1. On the hand
            1. On of the reasons of nick and honey being together is nicks interest on honeys money
              1. However
                1. They did not get married because of this, it was because of honey having a hysterical pregnancy
              2. In conclusion, this relationship has a shared power in which both of them take adventajes of each other
              3. On the other hand
                1. Honey also hacs different reasons in order to be with nick
                  1. He is a very handsome man and she feels attracted to him
                    1. She hates feeling lonely so nick is a great company in order to feel attached with someone
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