The Phonemic Chart


Adrian Underhill's Phonemic chart. How is it organized
Maria Laborde
Mapa Mental por Maria Laborde, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Maria Laborde
Creado por Maria Laborde hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Phonemic Chart
  1. IEXPRO Masters in English Teaching
    1. Maria del Carmen Laborde
      1. References:
        1. Hockly, N. Madrid, D. Teaching Pronuciation. IEXPRO Antology. Mexico, Chiapas. 2010
          1. Also, watch:
            1. Underhil, Adrian. The Phonemic Chart. Google Images
            2. "It is a map representing pronunciation territory to explore" (Underhill, 1994)
              1. It is an abstraction of the 44 English phonemes from the IPA chart
              2. How is it organized
                1. Vowels
                  1. Close
                    1. Open
                      1. Front
                        1. Back
                          1. Long Sound
                            1. Short Sound
                            2. Diphtongs
                              1. Centring diphtongs
                                1. Closing diphtongs
                                2. Consonants
                                  1. Voiceless
                                    1. Place of articulation
                                      1. Plosive
                                        1. Fricative
                                      2. Manner of articulation
                                        1. Voiced
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