
educative politics about language and lingusitics
Manuel Alejandro Agudelo Guerrero
Mapa Mental por Manuel Alejandro Agudelo Guerrero, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Manuel Alejandro Agudelo Guerrero
Creado por Manuel Alejandro Agudelo Guerrero hace casi 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. (Trudgill 1984)
    1. sociolinguistic theorical
      1. discoveries for the solution
        1. of real problems.
    2. Linguistic politic
      1. It's head of work is the
        1. decisions of the political powers in
          1. relation to the language
            1. in the
              1. monolingual context.
      2. Language planning.
        1. It is understood how the
          1. design and application of social
            1. programs to dvelop
              1. decisions.
        2. Language education Policy.
          1. IB: international Baccalaureate
            1. It is a policy about
              1. human language,
                1. its situation, its use and custom
                  1. and especially its handling.
              2. It should be after its planning stage.
              3. Colombian example:
                1. Defender of the people
                  1. Law 1381 of 2010
                    1. This law says that
                      1. native language speakers
                        1. will have the right to communicate
                          1. th each other in their languages,
                            1. hout restrictions in the
                              1. public or private sphere,
                                1. throughout the national
                                  1. territory.
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                Problems in a sociolinguistic research
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                LOS PRECIOS
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