Module 3 Strategies and Tools


Strategies and tools introduced in Module 3 TSS301, and their advantages and disadvantages.
Allison Booth
Mapa Mental por Allison Booth, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Allison Booth
Creado por Allison Booth hace casi 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Module 3 Strategies and Tools
  1. Strategy: Reflection
    1. Tools
      1. learning journal
        1. Advantage
          1. Handwritten reflection, do anywhere
          2. Disadvantage
            1. Can't share
          3. Evernote and Onenote
            1. Same advantages as note making
              1. Same disadvantages as note making
          4. Strategy: Notes
            1. Tools
              1. OneNote
                1. Advantages
                  1. Access from anywhere
                    1. Easy to use
                      1. Can collaborate
                        1. Can add text, images, audio, weblinks
                        2. Disadvantages
                          1. Free version can only add app to 2 devices
                        3. Evernote
                          1. Advantages
                            1. Access from anywhere
                              1. Can collaborate
                                1. Can add text, images, audio, weblinks and more
                                2. Disadvantages
                                  1. Need an O365 account
                            2. Strategy: Brainstorming
                              1. Tools
                                1. Paper based brainstorm
                                  1. Advantage
                                    1. Easy to do. No technology to learn
                                    2. Disadvantage
                                      1. Can only share by sending/ uploading a photograph
                                    3. Digital tools
                                      1. GoConqr and Mind Mup
                                        1. Advantages same as mindmapping
                                          1. Disadvantages same as mindmapping
                                    4. Strategy: Mindmaps
                                      1. Tools
                                        1. MindMup and GoConqr
                                          1. Advantages:
                                            1. Access from anywhere
                                              1. Easy to use
                                                1. Can share with others
                                                2. Disadvantages
                                                  1. Can't collaborate
                                                    1. Other prople can't edit
                                              2. Strategy: Growth Mindset
                                                1. Tool
                                                  1. GoConqr
                                                    1. Advantage
                                                      1. Different tools to use. Access anywhere
                                                      2. Disadvantages same as mind mapping
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