SEO Fundamentals


SEO Fundamentals Mapa Mental sobre SEO Fundamentals, creado por nadine.hill4 el 20/07/2015.
Mapa Mental por nadine.hill4, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por nadine.hill4 hace más de 9 años

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SEO Fundamentals


  • Dashes in domain names are not looked upon very well by search engines, they appear spammy
    1. Always build your sites from the users point of view.
      1. Older sites are more trusted by search engines
      2. backlinks with optimized anchor text are important
        1. Keywords Basics
          1. Research


            • How to determine keywords: 1. Chose your niche 2. Brainstorm terms and keywords (i.e. let tools do that for you) 3. Check commerciality 4. If the Keywords are buyer keywords, check the competition 5. Decide on the seed (generic) keyword 6. Decide on long tail keywords 
            • Go for a mix of competition that suits your skills. target low competition keywords first
            1. Google Keyword Tool
              1. Keyword Optimizer Pro
              2. Broad Keyword
                1. Broad phrases


                  • Also known as long tail keyword
                  1. Exact Phrase
                  2. Buyer Keywords examples:


                    • buy, cure, discount, easy, find, guide, help for, how-to ..., proven, ratings, review, scam, solution, solve, system, test, voucher, ways to get rid of.
                    1. Quality Content
                      1. Articles
                        1. Press Releases
                          1. Review Posts
                            1. Videos
                              1. Images
                                1. Research Niches


                                  • Read Niche related forums. Read Niche related blogs Watch Niche related videos Check out articles Listen to related podcasts Check out Amazon bestsellers Check out Amazon Kindle
                                2. Domains


                                  • Dashes in domains are frowned upon because they look spammy to search engines.
                                  • 1. HTTP is the protocol used to transfer data to and from the website.2. WWW is the identifier that indicates that it is a web site and it uses the HTTP protocol.3. HTTP://,, HTTP:// leads to the same site.4. Any prefix that is not reserved to a protocol can be used as a sub domain.
                                  1. sub- domains
                                    1. www.
                                    2. sub- directory
                                      1. URLs


                                        • The difference between URL and HTTP is that a URL is the actual address in the web bar. HTTP is the server or protocol the network connects through. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and HTTPstands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. URL is what you type in address bar of your web browser.
                                        •  URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator
                                        1. try to use keywords
                                          1. Dynamic URL


                                            • less likely to be indexed because they are too long.
                                            1. convert to static URL
                                            2. Canonical URL
                                              1. http://www.


                                                • HTTP  stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.  It is the communication standard used by your web browser in order to communicate with the server of the website that you are viewing
                                                1. www.


                                                  • WWW or the World Wide Web is a prefix to a certain name in order to identify that it is a web site that you are visiting.
                                                2. put session ids in cookies not urls.
                                              2. ONLINE MARKETING
                                                1. 1. SEM
                                                  1. PPC
                                                    1. CPM
                                                      1. SEO
                                                      2. 2. Display Ads
                                                        1. 3. Social Media
                                                          1. 4. Email Marketing
                                                            1. 5. Online PR


                                                              • online journalists, bloggers,
                                                              1. 6. Affiliate Marketing
                                                                1. 7. Product Marketing
                                                                  1. IMPRESSION


                                                                    • Single view of your ad
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