Parenting and Caring


Mapa Mental sobre Parenting and Caring, creado por katelyn.vujic el 29/07/2015.
Mapa Mental por katelyn.vujic, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por katelyn.vujic hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Parenting and Caring
  1. Becoming a parent or carer
    1. Types of parents and carers
      1. biological parents
        1. Social Parents
          1. adoption
            1. fostering
              1. step-parenting
                1. surrogacy
                2. carers
                  1. primary
                    1. Informal and formal
                  2. The roles of parents and carers
                    1. Satisfying the specific need of the dependant
                      1. Building a positive relationship with the dependant
                        1. Promoting the wellbeing of the dependant
                        2. Preparations for becominga parent or carer
                          1. Changing health behaviours, e.g. nutrition, physical activity, social or spiritual connections
                            1. enhancing knowledge and skills, e.g. education knowledge, information, training
                              1. modifying the physical environment, e.g. housing, amenities, equipment
                                1. organising finances, e.g budgeting, saving, support payments
                              2. Factors affecting the roles of parents and cares
                                1. Characterisitics of the dependant
                                  1. Age
                                    1. skills/capabilities
                                      1. Special needs, e.g. illness, disability
                                      2. Styles of parenting or caring
                                        1. authoritarian
                                          1. democratic
                                            1. negligent
                                              1. permissive/ indulgent
                                              2. rights and responisiblilties in parenting and caring
                                                1. legal rights of parents, carers and dependants
                                                  1. Responsibilities of parents and carers
                                                    1. duty of care
                                                      1. setting limits
                                                        1. discipline
                                                      2. Influences on parents and carers
                                                        1. Personal
                                                          1. culture, customs and tradition
                                                            1. religion/spirituality
                                                              1. previous experience
                                                                1. education
                                                                  1. own upbringing
                                                                    1. multiple commitments e.g. work, study, sport, family
                                                                      1. socioeconomic status
                                                                        1. special needs e.g. illness or disability
                                                                        2. community attitudes
                                                                          1. gender expectations
                                                                            1. media stereotype
                                                                          2. Support for parents and carers
                                                                            1. Types of support
                                                                              1. informal
                                                                                1. relatives
                                                                                  1. friends
                                                                                    1. neighbours
                                                                                    2. formal
                                                                                      1. government agencies
                                                                                        1. community organisations
                                                                                      2. Types of services provided through formal support
                                                                                        1. health care
                                                                                          1. education
                                                                                            1. financial support
                                                                                              1. child care
                                                                                                1. respite care
                                                                                                  1. counselling
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                                                                                                Preliminary core: Individuals and Groups
                                                                                                Preliminary core: Resource Managment
                                                                                                Resource Management
                                                                                                Evie Price
                                                                                                aspects of the service
                                                                                                Lauren Walker
                                                                                                Lauren Walker
                                                                                                characteristics of individuals withinthe group
                                                                                                Lauren Walker
                                                                                                Power bases
                                                                                                Ella Udechuku
                                                                                                Support for Parents & Carers
                                                                                                Resource Management
                                                                                                Resource management
                                                                                                Queenie Duong
                                                                                                Preliminary core: Resource Managment
                                                                                                Tara Young