Module 4 Study Guide: Chapters 23 - 26


Module 4 Study Guide
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Module 4 Study Guide: Chapters 23 - 26
  1. Chapter 23
    1. The Adoption and Management of a "Fat" Identity
      1. Obese people suffer in 2 ways
        1. Internally
          1. Negative self concept
          2. Externally
            1. Discrimination
          3. Status Cues: The External Component
            1. Public or external component of the identity change process
          4. Recognizing
            1. Cognitive process by which an individual becomes aware that a prticular status is no longer appropriate
            2. Placing
              1. Individual comes to identify an appropriate status from among those available
              2. New Status
              3. Chapter 24
                1. Becoming Bisexual
                  1. The Stages
                    1. Initial Confusion
                      1. Confusion, doubt, stufggle
                      2. Finding and Applying the Label
                        1. Defining themselves
                        2. Settling into the identity
                          1. Complete transition in self labeling
                          2. Continued Uncertainty
                            1. Built-in feature of being bisexual
                      3. Chapter 25
                        1. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
                          1. Methodology
                            1. Sampling and Procedures
                              1. Data from self help group
                                1. BANISH
                            2. Description of Members
                              1. 19 -36 yrs old
                                1. White
                                  1. All but one were female
                                  2. Conforming Behavior
                                    1. Adherence to the cultural norms emphasizing thinness
                                    2. Primary Deviance
                                      1. Failed to maintain lower weights
                                        1. Vomitting
                                          1. Regained feeling of control
                                          2. Laxative abuse
                                        2. Secondary Deviance
                                          1. Labeling
                                            1. Anorexic
                                              1. Bulimic
                                              2. Self Concept
                                                1. Master Status
                                            2. Chapter 26
                                              1. Convicted Rapists Vocabulary of Motive
                                                1. Justifying Rape
                                                  1. Women as Seductress
                                                    1. Women Mean "Yes" When They Say "No"
                                                      1. Most Women Eventually Relax and Enjoy It
                                                        1. Nice Girls Don't Get Raped
                                                          1. Only a Minor Wrongdoing
                                                        2. Excusing Rape
                                                          1. The Use of Alcohol and Drugs
                                                            1. Emotional Problems
                                                              1. Nice Guy Image
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