

Idiomas Mapa Mental sobre Motivation, creado por Melanie Diaz el 17/06/2021.
Melanie Diaz
Mapa Mental por Melanie Diaz, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Melanie Diaz
Creado por Melanie Diaz hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Definition
    1. It's the process to make a start, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors
      1. Take action
        1. Achieve a goal
          1. Fulfil a goal
            1. Fulfil expectations
          2. Types
            1. Intrinsic Motivation
              1. It comes from within
                1. It depicts an activity done only for own contentment
                  1. Without any external anticipation
                  2. Factors
                    1. Challenge
                      1. Curiosity
                        1. Control
                      2. Extrinsic Motivation
                        1. Behavior that is driven by external rewards
                          1. Rewards
                            1. MOney, Grades
                              1. Praise or fame
                        2. Examples
                          1. Extrinsic Motiation
                            1. Studying
                              1. To get good grades
                              2. Tidy up
                                1. To go out / Hang out
                              3. Intrinsic Motivation
                                1. Volunteering
                                  1. Orphanage
                                    1. It made me feel happy
                                  2. Exercising
                                    1. I enjoy it and relaxes me
                                2. How to motivate Students?
                                  1. Allow students to choose activities to work on
                                    1. Homework Passes
                                      1. Being free of doin homework
                                      2. 5 Minutes Break Passes
                                        1. Leave the class 5 minutes early
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