Two models of literacy


stage 6 Business Studies Mapa Mental sobre Two models of literacy, creado por lydia le el 12/08/2015.
lydia le
Mapa Mental por lydia le, actualizado hace más de 1 año
lydia le
Creado por lydia le hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Two models of literacy


  • Two theoretical models of literacy will be considered in this mindmap: -the social model of literacy, and -the autonomous model of literacy
  1. Social Model
    1. New Literacy Studies (Street, 1984)


      • Key research in this area include: -Paul Gee -Mary Hamilton -Brian Street -Shirley Brice Heath
      1. Literacy practices
        1. Conception of knowledge of identity & being
          1. Diversity
            1. Ethnography / ethnographic research
            2. Critical Literacy (Freebody, 2008)
              1. Transformed practices
                1. Reflection
                  1. Pedagogy of the oppressed (Freire, 1970)
                  2. Multiliteracies (New London Group, 1996)
                    1. "What" - Designs of Meaning
                      1. Available designs
                        1. The Redesigned
                          1. Designing
                          2. "How"
                            1. Situated Practice
                              1. Critical Framing
                                1. Overt Instruction
                                  1. Transformed Practice
                              2. Autonomous Model
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