Core values of Old Labour (British socialism)


Mapa Mental sobre Core values of Old Labour (British socialism), creado por brabbitt el 31/10/2013.
Mapa Mental por brabbitt, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por brabbitt hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Core values of Old Labour (British socialism)
  1. A working class party?
    1. Sought higher taxes to pay for welfare, better working conditions and equality of finances.
      1. This was in conflict with the Middle and Upper class interests.
      2. Has always sought support from outside its core working class support. Working class support alone was never enough to win an election.
      3. The party of equality and social justice?
        1. Pure socialism sees the pursuit of equality of outcome, regardless of contribution, as an ambition. This is social justice for many socialists.
          1. Labour has never proposed absolute economic equality, the incentives which capitalism bring should be maintained. However financial inequality should be reduced through taxation.
            1. The welfare state ensure that there is a minimum standard of living which no citizen should fall below. A good education system should enable poorer children to achieve the same as those from wealthy families.
          2. Always supported the rights of women and minority groups. Migrant communities overwhelmingly vote Labour.
          3. Collectivism or individualism
            1. Collective action by all members of the community is more effective than individual action. The state is the only institution capable of organising and delivering collectivist institutions.
              1. Rather than citizens acting as individuals and making their own provision for health care, education, pensions, housing and social insurance, it would be better for all if the state organised this for them in return for an increase in taxation. The welfare state is the main example of collectivism in action.
              2. Workers should have strong collective representation through unions to rebalance the relationship between employer and employee.
              3. Common ownership of industry
                1. A key part of collectivism, the industrial output of the country is owned by the general population not in the hands of a few.
                  1. Ownership of property, land, capital and goods gives rise to exploitation to those who do not have such economic power.
                    1. Labour Party constitution of 1918 (clause 4) committed a future Labour government to secure common ownership of all major industries.
                      1. Several industries were nationalised in 1945 but this never amounted to more than half of the economy.
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