SAB7#39 Define Scope process


Mapa Mental sobre SAB7#39 Define Scope process, creado por Raúl Ladrón de Gueva el 13/08/2015.
Raúl Ladrón de Gueva
Mapa Mental por Raúl Ladrón de Gueva, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Raúl Ladrón de Gueva
Creado por Raúl Ladrón de Gueva hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

SAB7#39 Define Scope process
  1. Collect Requirements
    1. Project
      1. It's included
        1. Not included
        2. Planning Process
          1. Calendar
            1. Budget
              1. Fail/If Pass
                1. We continue the process
                  1. Balancing the requirements
              2. Iteration Process
                1. Objectives of reach
                  1. Time
                    1. Project Cost
                      1. Understanding Programming
                        1. Identification of alternatives
                          1. Realistic timetable and a better estimation
                            1. Truth Project
                              1. Plan Updates Scope
                          2. Product Analysis
                            1. Determination of project deliverables
                            2. Project Scope Statement
                              1. Analysis
                                1. Product Range
                                  1. Submission
                                    1. Acceptance criteria
                                      1. Waste Project
                                        1. Restrictions
                                      1. That work is going to do/That work is not going to
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