Logical and computational thinking


Logical thinking
c r
Mapa Mental por c r, actualizado hace más de 1 año
c r
Creado por c r hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Logical and computational thinking
  1. Process to solve problems to different techniques, such as a formulation of problems in a way you can use a computer and other tools to solve them
    1. Abstraction
      1. Eliminating what is not necessary for the complex part of the problem
      2. Breaking down
        1. Broke down the problem into smaller or easier to had pieces
        2. Simulation
          1. Anticipate the result of a problem
          2. Algorithm development
            1. Number of steps that we can replicate to automate process
            2. Problem
              1. A situation regarded as unwelcome and needed be dealt with and overcome
                1. Divides in:
                  1. Collecting information stage
                    1. Solution creation stage
                      1. Solution implementation
                        1. Evaluation Stage
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                  Evaluación De Matemáticas - Trigonométria
                  Juan Fernando Araque Agudelo
                  Ada Lovelace: The First Computer Programmer
                  Lina Johana Meji
                  Linear vs. Non-linear Thinking
                  karen navas
                  Desing thinking
                  Cristhian Ayala
                  Secuencia de arranque de la PC
                  Micaela Sanchez
                  Internal Functioning of a Computer
                  Pablo Vega
                  Storage and Magnetic Devices
                  Elizabeth Rivera
                  Planificación de proyectos
                  Nelly B.Juárez
                  Input and Output Devices
                  Elizabeth Rivera
                  Jose Luis Bernaola Hernandez