SAB7#81 7-tools_Basic_Quality


Mapa Mental sobre SAB7#81 7-tools_Basic_Quality, creado por malba76 el 21/08/2015.
Mapa Mental por malba76, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por malba76 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

SAB7#81 7-tools_Basic_Quality
  1. Pareto Charts
    1. Help you to figure out which problems need your attention right away. They're based on the idea that a large number of problems are caused by a small number of causes. In fact, that's called the 80/20 rule. ( 80% of the defects are usually caused by 20% of the causes.
    2. Cause and Effect Diagrams
      1. They are used to figure out what caused a defect. You list all the categories of the defects that you have identified and then write the possible causes of the defect you are analyzing from each category


        • Is also called fishbone and Ishikawa diagrams
      2. Checksheets
        1. Is a type of checklist that can be used to keep track of data on the product under test. Checksheets are often used as a means o gathering the data that's displayed in Pareto Diagrams or other charting tools.


          • Is also called tally sheets.
        2. Flowcharts
          1. Show how a process or system flows from beginning to end, how the elements interrelate, alternative paths the process can take and how the process translates inputs into outputs. They are also good for showing decisiong-making process


            • Is also called Process Map
          2. Control Charts
            1. Are used in Control Quality to help determine if the results of a process are within acceptable limits. Can also be used to monitor things like project performance figures, such a cost and schedule variances.
            2. Histograms
              1. A histogram displays data in the form of bars or columns. This tool helps identify which problems are worth dealing and give you a good idea of how your data breaks down.
              2. Scatter Diagrams
                1. This diagram tracks 2 variables to determine their relationship. A regression line (or trend line) is calculated to show the correlation of variables, and can then be used for estimation and forecasting.
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