Second Language Acquisition Theories


SLA Theories- CTRD 6006
Mapa Mental por lmh0041, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lmh0041 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Second Language Acquisition Theories
  1. Universal Grammar
    1. Chromsky
      1. Description: All languages have the same parts of speech that make it up
        1. Classroom Application: When translating between languages, the teacher and student can compare different words to similar parts of speech within own native language.
        2. Social Interactionism
          1. Gass
            1. Description: Learners use their linguistic environment to build their knowledge
              1. Classroom application: The student requires immersion into desired language within the classroom to fully absorb the language
              2. Input Hypothesis
                1. Krashen
                  1. Description: how a learner acquires language
                    1. Classroom Application: The speaker models or illustrated different words or phrases to allow the learner to understand
                    2. Behaviorist
                      1. Skinner
                        1. Description: Someone can be taught through a process of stimulus, response, and reinforcement, becoming a habit
                          1. Classroom Application: Students who are continually exposed to the same conditioning, like within routines, will learn the desired skill through repetition.
                          2. Monitor Model
                            1. Krashen
                              1. Description: The learner natural acquires language through exposure and will become fluent and begin monitoring when and how to use the language through constant comprehensible input
                                1. Classroom Application: Through conversations within cooperative groups and activities, EL students will become fluent and able speakers of their second language.
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