Things Effective Citizen Can Do


Ben Smith1156
Mapa Mental por Ben Smith1156, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ben Smith1156
Creado por Ben Smith1156 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Things Effective Citizen Can Do
  1. Civics
    1. Gather evidence about an issue
      1. Participate in a formal debate
        1. Contact your repressntative to solve a problem
          1. Write a petition
            1. Go to a political rally
              1. Run for city council
                1. Know the Bill of Rights
                2. Become a police officer
              2. Effects of a invasion
                1. Respresent the USA as ambassador in Kenya
                  1. Represent a defendant in a trial
          2. Geography
            1. Use a map scale
              1. Identify types of governments
                1. Protect wildlife
                  1. Support clean water projects
                    1. Captain a ship across the ocean
                    2. Make a travel guide for Indonesia
                      1. Date dinosaur bones
                        1. Work in the diamond mine
                2. History
                  1. Study past battles
                    1. Organize events from the BC
                      1. Study different religious beliefs
                        1. Study a Bantu tribes
                          1. Make a timeline
                          2. Teach about Ancient Egypt
                            1. Favorite food of the jungle Pygmies
                            2. Study events in the Ming Dynasty
                      2. Economics
                        1. Make a household budget
                          1. Hire a moving company to move your stufff
                            1. Buy good and produce
                              1. Make a deal with a Chinese company
                                1. Use data to predict the population in 20 years
                                  1. Design and sell auto parts
                        2. By Bennett Smihal
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