
Mind Map about times: uses, structures: affirmative, negative, questions, examples, expressions of time).
Marcos Fajardo Jaimes
Mapa Mental por Marcos Fajardo Jaimes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Marcos Fajardo Jaimes
Creado por Marcos Fajardo Jaimes hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Present Simple
    1. Uses
      1. Make known permanent actions or states.
        1. Communicate actions or states that are repeated over time.
          1. Transmit routines, continuous events that are repeated daily or with a certain periodicity.
            1. Give instructions or directions
            2. Structure
              1. Affirmative
                1. Subject + verb + complement
                  1. Example
                    1. He eats a lot of fruits
                      1. I eat a lot of fruits
                  2. Negative
                    1. Subject + auxiliary do / does not + verb + complement
                      1. Example
                        1. I do not eat a lot of fruits
                          1. He does not eat a lot of fruits
                      2. Question
                        1. Auxiliary do / does + subject + verb + complement + ?
                          1. Example
                            1. Do I eat a lot of fruits?
                              1. Does he eat a lot of fruits?
                            2. Short answers
                              1. Negative
                                1. No + , + suject + don't / doesn't
                                  1. Example
                                    1. No, I don't / No, she doesn't
                                2. Affirmative
                                  1. Yes +, + subject + do / does.
                                    1. Example
                                      1. Yes, I do / Yes, she does
                            3. Time expressions
                              1. Always
                                1. Sometimes
                                  1. Often
                                    1. Usually
                                      1. Never
                                        1. Every day
                                          1. Once a week
                                        2. Present Continuous
                                          1. Uses
                                            1. Describe actions that occur at the exact moment you speak or write
                                              1. Establish contexts. Talk about general, personal or social situations that occur today.
                                                1. Anticipate facts, appointments, events or actions that will occur in the future.
                                                  1. Mention temporary events.
                                                    1. Describe actions that occur constantly.
                                                    2. Structure
                                                      1. Affirmative
                                                        1. Subject + verb to be + gerund verb + complement.
                                                          1. Example
                                                            1. I am listening to music
                                                              1. She is listening to music
                                                          2. Negative
                                                            1. Subject + verb to be + not + gerund verb + complement.
                                                              1. Example
                                                                1. I am not listening to music
                                                                  1. He is not listening to music
                                                              2. Question
                                                                1. Verb to be + subject + gerund verb + complement + ?
                                                                  1. Am I listening to music?
                                                                    1. Is he listening to music?
                                                                    2. Short answers
                                                                      1. Affirmative
                                                                        1. Yes +, + subject + Verb To Be
                                                                          1. Example
                                                                            1. Yes, I am / Yes, she is
                                                                        2. Negative
                                                                          1. No +, + subject + Verb To Be + not
                                                                            1. Example
                                                                              1. No, I am not / No, she isn't
                                                                    3. Time expressions
                                                                      1. Now
                                                                        1. At the moment
                                                                          1. At present
                                                                            1. Today
                                                                              1. Nowadays
                                                                                1. Stative verbs
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