Maintenance of Life


2º de ESO Ciencias Naturales 2º ESO Mapa Mental sobre Maintenance of Life, creado por Fernando Delgado el 13/09/2015.
Fernando Delgado
Mapa Mental por Fernando Delgado, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fernando Delgado
Creado por Fernando Delgado hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Maintenance of Life
  1. Types of cells
    1. Prokaryote
      1. EuKaryote
        1. Animal
          1. Plant
        2. Vital functions
          1. Nutrition
            1. Diferent that feeding: The intake of food
              1. Production of new matter and energy from food
              2. Interaction
                1. Relationship with the environment
                2. Reproduction
                  1. Production of new living beings of the same species
                3. Levels of organization of living beings
                  1. Cells
                    1. Basic unit in living beings
                    2. Tissues
                      1. Group of cells with similar structure and function
                      2. Organs
                        1. Group of tissues that work together
                        2. Systems
                          1. Group of organs that work together
                          2. Organisms
                            1. Group of systems that work together
                            2. They make the 3 vital functions
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