Behavioural Approach


Hons Degree (Behavioural Approach to Counselling) DD171 Mapa Mental sobre Behavioural Approach, creado por gloriachan el 10/11/2013.
Mapa Mental por gloriachan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por gloriachan hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Behavioural Approach
  1. Behaviourism


    • features: problem solving, scientific way of changing undesirable behaviour
    1. Features
      1. objective
        1. mesaurable
          1. obserbable
            1. disruptive behaviour can be explained and treated
            2. Image of person
              1. Impoverished or inadequate
              2. Techniques
                1. Behaviour Modification


                  • - rewarding desirable behaviour  - more effective in controlled social environment like hospitals, schools, prisons but prone to corruption and abuse - making clients aware of behaviour and knowing how to change the behaviour
                  1. functional analysis
                    1. stop smoking
                      1. Classical Conditiong


                        • - identifying stimuls (when and where the behaviour happens) - identifying behaviour (what they do when they smoke) - identifying consequences (rewarding or pleasurable experiences)
                        1. Operant Conditioning


                          • the person use avoidance behaviour (fear) which is rewarded or re-inforced by relaxing feeling (new behaviour)
                      2. Case Studies
                        1. Bulimia


                          • - monitoring and recording eating behaviour for a period of time - a new regime was set up
                        2. systematic desensitization
                          1. car crash victim


                            • - reconditioning the emotional response (fear) - learn to associate a new response (relaxed) to the stimuls
                          2. Cognitive-Behaviour
                            1. Competitive sport performance anxiety
                        3. Skinner's Operant Conditioning


                          • - punishment is only temporary suppression of the behaviour - long-term behaviour change is achieved by acquisition of new behaviour 
                          1. Functional analysis
                          2. Pavlov's Classical Conditioning


                            • associate a new stimulus to an unconditioned stimulus in order to generate same reflex response to the original response
                            1. Systematic Desensitization
                          3. Cognitive-Behavioural Approach
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