Illustration connectors


Illustration connectors
hipatia soraya proaño alvarez
Mapa Mental por hipatia soraya proaño alvarez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
hipatia soraya proaño alvarez
Creado por hipatia soraya proaño alvarez hace más de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Illustration connectors
  1. such as


    • EXAMPLES: 1) Car companies such as Toyota and Ford manufacture their automobiles in many different countries around the world. 2) Teenegers these days seem to chat using apps, such as whatsapp, telegram, instagram, mesenger, facebook.  
    1. in this case


      • 1) The various facts in this case just don’t add up. 2) You don’t like your job. In this case why don’t you leave?
      1. for instance


        • 1) You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.
        1. for example


          • 1) My father loves going to restaurants which serve exotic foods. For example, last week he went to a restaurant which serves deep-fried rattlesnake.
          1. as an example


            • 1) We may take as an example their pension systems.  
            1. illustrated by


              • 1) This has been graphically illustrated by the UN.
              1. as revealed


                • 1) As revealed recently in Parliament by the organisation, Cuba is currently the world’ s largest prison for journalists.   2) The hearing revealed that the six names proposed are all excellent candidates.
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