

panget ni jaja forever. boom meron pa palang forever
Elijah Dela Cruz
Mapa Mental por Elijah Dela Cruz, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Elijah Dela Cruz
Creado por Elijah Dela Cruz hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Sustainable Development
    1. Developed countries must set an example for developing countries
      1. Developed countries must start the move, to change the system.
        1. CHINA
          1. VS.
            1. United States = Hegemony
              1. Excessive spending despite having current account deficit.
                1. Third world countries following their footsteps because that's their thought of a "developed country".
                  1. The entire system follows.
              2. China is current account surplus.
                1. They still have national savings.
                  1. They have more investments.
                    1. They don't need foreign aid unlike ...
                      1. US who borrows money from China.
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