World Wide Web


Mapa Mental sobre World Wide Web, creado por ow28058 el 15/09/2015.
Mapa Mental por ow28058, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ow28058 hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

World Wide Web
  1. HTML
    1. HTML is written in pairs for example <body> </body>
      1. These tags define the body of the web page. Any HTML inside the two tags defines the body of the site
      2. Browser
        1. Google Chrome, Microsoft Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari
          1. A website written for Explorer might need to be changed to appear in Safari
          2. Hyperlink
            1. Hyperlinks take you to different pages on the www or take you to different pages within a website.
              1. You can link text and images.
              2. URL
                1. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator
                  1. when you type the URL in to your browser, the request goes to a DOMAIN NAME SERVER which has a list of URLs and the associated IP ADDRESS. Your request is then passed on to the correct website using TCP/IP.
                    1. Uniform Resource Locator
                  2. Search Engines
                    1. arguably the most famous is Google
                      1. You type some search criteria in the search bar and press enter and Google returns the results. You then click on the link and you are taken to the site
                        1. But when you a search, you aren't searching the internet. You are searching Google's index
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