is the cronologic and progressive reduction of taxes of merchandise considered original from a certain part, it should be negotiated into the agreements and treaties signed by Mexico with other countries.
is the cronologic and progressive reduction of taxes of
merchandise considered original from a certain part, it
should be negotiated into the agreements and treaties
signed by Mexico with other countries.
- commercial treaties -
commercial agreements -
origin certificates -
export incentive
programs. - quotas -
eighth rule. - decreats
published in the oficial
gazette. - general system
of preferences - special
operations of chapter 98
of the LIGIE
legal basis
GATT Article 1 guarantees the
nation more favoured which
is based on the premise that
the trade will take place
without discrimination Article
2 will provide for tariff
reductions. the Member
countries undertake to not
increase taxes that appear on
the lists of other annexed to
the gatt Article XXIV-territorial
scope of the agreement, of
the traffic cross-border,
customs unions and free
trade bzonas.