Psychology Ch. 1


Psychology Modern Perspectives- Ch. 1
Mapa Mental por rpowers, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por rpowers hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Psychology Ch. 1
  1. Structuralism: study of the structure of the conscience
    1. Wilhelm Wundt, Titchner
    2. Functionalism: study of the stream of thought versus elements of the mind; focus on functioning in the real world
      1. William James
      2. Gestalt Psychology: perceiving organization
        1. Psychoanalysis: emphasis on unconscious mind controlling behavior
          1. Sigmund Freud
          2. Behaviorism: science of behavior; observable stimuli and responses
            1. Pavlov, Watson
            2. Modern Perspectives
              1. Biopsychological: neurological events
                1. Sociocultural: study groups and social roles
                  1. Psychodynamic: development of self, social relationships, and motivation
                    1. Behavioral: operant conditioning
                      1. Humanistic: humans are basically good; they strive for self actualization
                        1. Cognitive: intelligence, memory, language
                          1. Evolutionary: mental traits shared by humans
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