Arranged in small units called
amino acids which are linked
together to form chains
Digested into sigle
amino acids which are
easily absorbed
Used to make new
cells or to repair
damaged cells
Some of the amino acids in protein can only be taken into the
body in the foods that we eat, these are essential amino acids
- (10 essential amino acids for children)
High Biological Value (HBV) -
contain more essential amino
acids. - Mostly animal sources -
meat, fish eggs, dairy, soya protein
Low Biological Value (LBV) - contain
fewer essential amino acids and are
cheaper to produce - mostly plant
foods - pulses (beans, peas), Cereals
(wheat, oats), Nuts, Bread, Pasta
Functions - growth of body cells e.g. blood, skin, bone. Repair of damaged cells.
Heat and energy. Production of body chemicals such as hormones and enzymes.