750 BCE -Dorian and Ionians had the idea to make city-states/ polis's - independent greek city states
2 parts of each city state. The Acropolis - temples on mountains, and the waller main city where there was a market and
citizen ship was clearly defined by which polis you were from.
2 types of govt. - Dorians had an oligarchic form of government. the Ionians developed first democratic gov't
Sparta - all about military, at the age of 7 children would train,women's rights, independent, isolated, strong
Megara - explorers, had slaves, no womens rights, coastal, copyed corniths coinage, rely on trade, 2 years of military training
Cornith - engeneering, economy relyed on trade, monarchy, history of unenployment, water shortage, taxed their currency, unindependent
Syracuse - kept out invaders for long, coastal, many foriegners,frequent cite of battle, romans conquered then got back up and built better cities
Athens - 100% about education, thought they were the center of greece, no womens rights, direct democracy
and aliance forms between Spartans and Athens
Athens vs. Sparta
490-479 BCE Persian war - Greek city states unite to fight the Persians
Athenians emerge as most powerful city state
700 BC - "kings" rulled homes and immediate surroundings. monarchy formed, then moved to Aristocracy - wealthy in charge. created law code called Draco, punishment was death
Solon - 594-593 B.C. Rewrites Draco law code. creates a constitution, classes were built on wealth not blood, created slave system, had judges and an Assembly, created council of 400 members - Highlight - Wealth and power
Pericles changes Athens forever, leader during Greece's highest point in Education and Arts, he focused on building Acropolises. after the Persians ruined all the Acropolises, Pericles proposed a reconstruction. the Parthenon - a temple towards Athena (wisdom- Athen's highest belief). took 15 years to complete, gave jobs, was the spiritual heart of the city, was a Democratic Monument. was a threat to Persian's showing
that nothing can take Geeks down and executed perfection. the Parthenon built nationalism from the war.
Pistratus - 546 B.C. He contined Solons policy, reformed the economy, increased equality, beautified cities, created new festivals - Highlight - Wealthy and still in control
Ciesthenes - 507 B.C - organized city-states into towns and countries, made changes to the council (originally 400 members now 500)there were representatives from each county, citizens had a say, instituted ostracism - vote to kick people out, instituted direct democracy. - Highlight - Midde-class plus wealthy in control
Athens - Delian League
Sparta - Peloponnesian League
Peloponneasian war - Athens vs. Sparta. Sparta wins
Warfare and war leaders
Ritual in war
Honor - never doing anything dishonorable to your country
Chivalry - code of conduct (ex - Bushido - morals, the way)
Middle class and nobles afforded wespons and armory
Rules - Announce all attacks, no sneak attacks, wait for your enemy to be ready, no battle on holidays, allow time to bury and grieve.
uniforms were 80 pounds of armour and 10 feet spears for fighting.