colorectal cancer


Mapa Mental sobre colorectal cancer, creado por abdullah Alzubidi el 08/02/2022.
abdullah Alzubidi
Mapa Mental por abdullah Alzubidi, actualizado hace más de 1 año
abdullah Alzubidi
Creado por abdullah Alzubidi hace alrededor de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

colorectal cancer
  1. anatomy of large intestine
    1. risk factors
      1. Age
        1. African american race
          1. Inflammatory bowel disease
            1. family history
              1. Genetic syndrome : FAP, HNPCC
              2. pathology
                1. symptoms
                  1. Change in bowel habits
                    1. Blood on or in the stool
                      1. anemia
                        1. Abdominal or pelvic pain
                          1. weight loss
                            1. Vomiting
                            2. investigations
                              1. Stool Tests
                                1. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
                                  1. Colonoscopy
                                    1. CT Colonography
                                    2. complications
                                      1. Bleeding
                                        1. Constipation or diarrhea
                                          1. Obstruction of the colon
                                            1. Perforation
                                              1. Metastasis
                                                1. recurrence
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