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12 months
12 months old mind map
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12 months
4 pies
Mapa Mental por
Hamda Alfalasi
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Hamda Alfalasi
hace más de 9 años
Resumen del Recurso
12 months
fine motor
can point with the index finger at objects of intrest
show a preference for one hand over the other but use either
can release a small objects into someone's hand
drop and throw toys deliberately and look and see where they have fallen
can pick up small objects with pincer grasp
can grasp a crayon with palmer grasp, and turn several pages of book at once
build with a few bricks and arrange toys on the floor
can put small objects into a bottle
can grasp a crayon with either hand in palmer grasp, and imitate to-and-fro scribble
may build a tower of two cubes
gross motor
can rise to standing without help from furniture
can cruise along using furniture as support
can probably walk alone, with their feet wide apart or with one hand held
can stand alone for a few moments
can rise to a sitting position
can crawl on their hands and knees, bottom-shuffle, or use their hand and feet to rapidly move "bear walking"
can often walk but tend to fall
crawl upstairs and downstairs backwards
able to walk alone
kneel without support
stroke. pat and turn objects in their hands
know and respond immediately to their name
can see almost as well as an adult
often enjoy watching television
discriminate between different foods by taste, and show preference for sweet, salty and fatty flavours
demand objects out of reach by pointing with index finger
point to familiar people, animals or objects when requested
trail-error method to learn about objects
understand simple instructions such as "clap hand"
point and look to where others point
speak two to six recognizable words
hand objects to adults when asked
understand names of parts of the body
identify pictures of a few named objects
emotionally labile
often want a comfort object
closely dependent on adults presense
shy with strangers
affectionate with familiar people
enjoy socializing at mealtimes
help with daily routines "getting washed-dressed"
play pat-a cake and wave good bye
repeatedly throw or rejects objects "casting"
carry dolls or teddies
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