Change Theory


Mapa Mental sobre Change Theory, creado por Neds Amiri el 24/09/2015.
Neds Amiri
Mapa Mental por Neds Amiri, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Neds Amiri
Creado por Neds Amiri hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Change Theory
  1. Proactive
    1. Continous
      1. Endless Modification
        1. Harmonic
        2. Prescribed
          1. 1st order change
            1. predictable
              1. low uncertainty
              2. Planned
                1. More Fact-driven
                2. Reactive
                  1. Episodic
                    1. equilibrium interruption
                      1. Dramatic
                      2. Constructive
                        1. high uncertainty
                          1. diverge from current order
                            1. 2nd order change
                              1. unpedictable
                              2. Emotional
                                1. unplanned
                                  1. Irrational
                                  2. Change Success Factors
                                    1. Number Of sub-Changes
                                      1. Adherence to timeline
                                        1. General consensus
                                          1. Employee Satisfaction
                                          2. Key Performance indicators
                                            1. Financial Gains
                                              1. Consumer Satisfaction
                                                1. Defect Rate
                                              2. Cause & Effect Relationship
                                                1. Correlation Coefficience
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