Educational Paradigms


Santos Joel Carrasco Guerra
Mapa Mental por Santos Joel Carrasco Guerra, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Santos Joel Carrasco Guerra
Creado por Santos Joel Carrasco Guerra hace alrededor de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Educational Paradigms
  1. Cognitive Paradigm
    1. This paradigm is commonly known as the principles of research theories that are related to the functions of our mind and the acquisition of our knowledge in general.
      1. Advantages


        • * Aspects in the mind processes which were unnoticed by behaviourists. * Procedures such as memory, attention and observation have been studied as they have an effect on our behavior.   
        1. Disavantages


          • * It's reductionist * Working in groups but individual weaknesses is not strength them.   
          1. Arises in the 70's
            1. Objectives


              • * Clarify the viewpoints, paradigm structure, and the behaviors as well into a better knowledge. * Investigation of the content of the origin and the precursors. * Precursors to create a topic in a better explanation, Why? When? Who? And for what? * The procedure will help to us as future teacher in the pedagogic area.   
              1. Objectives in Education


                • * Knowledge  * Understanding  * Application  * Analysis  * Synthesis  * Evaluation
              2. Types of learning


                • * Subordinate learning.  * Superordinate learning.  * Combinatorial learning.
                1. Example


                  • * An example of this is that it reduces human behavior down to individual processes such as memory and attention.
                2. Characteristics


                  • * A way of interpreting and identifying information received by receivers.  * The way to control the actions that are executed.  * Guiding the distribution of cognitive resources when needs exceed possibilities.  * A memory of actions and experiences.
              3. Piaget interested in the biological influences on "how we come to know.
                1. Vygotsky believed that children actively construct their knowledge.
                2. Environmentalist Paradigm
                  1. Identify the duties, especially from the educational aspect since it allows the same way to exercise the rights of students in order to achieve a future built with quality.
                    1. Advantages


                      • * Inspires reverence for nature. * Allows progress of critical thinking skills. * Imparts them to be responsible.   
                      1. Disadvantages


                        • * The focal limitations met by the teachers. * Insufficient workers such as teachers, researchers * Lack of teaching/learning materials * Lack of funding.   
                        1. Arises in 1869
                          1. Types of Envinronmentalist Paradigm


                            • Education about the environment: is viewed as an approach in which information about the environment (concepts, facts, information) is transmitted by teacher to students. Education in the environment focuses on using the environment as the medium for teaching and learning.  Education for the environment, according to Michel, evolved from conservation education which focused on the preservation of basic resources and nature conservancy. 
                            1. Examples


                              • *Education about the Environment: Reproductive curriculum. *Education for the Environment: Reconstructive curriculum.
                            2. Objectives


                              • * To incorporate training for skills. * To apply a basic understanding. * To apply professional responsibilities. * To combine the unique features of environmental education. * To enable learners to engage in open inquiry and investigation. * To make assessment and evaluation integral to instruction and programs.
                              1. Characteristics


                                • * Awareness * Knowledge * Attitude * Skills * Participation
                            3. The German biologist Haeckel and analyzes education from ecological and ecosystem principles.
                            4. Behavioral Paradigm
                              1. It's the one that has been present in education through learning.


                                • And by repetition privileges memory through conditioning, it is learned by imitation and reward or punishment are part of the learning process.
                                1. Advantages


                                  • * Forecast and regulator behavior. * It's measurable. * Permit preparation. * Defines imagination, feeling and association, as behavioral terms. * Active teaching. * Accomplish to adapt behaviors.   
                                  1. Disadvantages


                                    • * Forecasts and controls behavior experimentally and empirically. * In Education is proposed as a paradigm of strengthening contingency, these seek to adjust behavior. * Circumstances to the presentation of before defined activities.
                                    1. Arises in the early of XX Century
                                      1. Types of Behaviorism


                                        • * Methodological Behaviorism. * Radical Behaviorism.   
                                        1. Examples


                                          • * Positive Reinforcement. * Negative Reinforcement.
                                        2. Objectives


                                          • * To teach is to provide content. * To deposit information in the student, which will have to be acquired by him. * To teach is considered to be an instrument based on the reinforcement of positive behaviors, the elimination of negative ones through punishment.
                                          1. Characteristics


                                            • * Human beings are best understood as behaving organisms. * Human behavior is a result of genetics and physiology. * It works against the concepts of human freedom. * This paradigm is monistic.
                                        3. Frederic Skinner: Feelings, states of mind, introspection accepted scientifically.
                                          1. John B. Watson: Introspection, “inner voice” behavior, not accepted scientifically.
                                          2. Constructivist Paradigm
                                            1. Provides the necessary tools to students so that they are able to build their own knowledge through the results of their past experiences.
                                              1. Advantages


                                                • * It’s active. * It promotes student agency. * It develops advanced skills. * It promotes diverse viewpoints. * It encourages students to reflect, evaluate their work. * It reflects our modern world’s vast access to content.
                                                1. Disavantages


                                                  • * Learning through trial-and-error is a time consuming process. * International testing regimes that push standardized curriculum encourage conformity and memorization over inquiry-based critical thinking. * Constructivism requires differentiation so that students learn at the optimal cognitive level.  * Differentiation for each child is exceptionally difficult and often impractical for educators  
                                                  1. Arises in the early of XX Century
                                                    1. Objectives


                                                      • * To provide experience with the knowledge construction process. * To provide experience in and appreciation for multiple. * To embed learning in realistic contexts. * To encourage ownership and a voice in the learning process. * To embed learning in social experience. * To encourage the use of multiple modes of representation. * To encourage awareness of the knowledge construction process.
                                                      1. Characteristics


                                                        • * Pursuit of student questions and interests is valued. * Learning is interactive, building on what the student already knows. * Students work primarily in groups. * Knowledge is seen as dynamic, ever changing with our experiences. * Materials include primary sources of material and manipulative. * Teachers have a dialogue with students, helping construct their own knowledge.
                                                        1. Types of Constructivism


                                                          • Psychologic Social
                                                          1. Example


                                                            • * The environment  * The scanning * The learning  * The memory
                                                      2. John Dewey is based in real experience everything occurs within a social environment.
                                                        1. Syemour Papert has applied the use of computer technology to teaching in a constructivist environment
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