Didactic Sequence (Paola & Ely)


Mapa conceptual de la secuencia didáctica hecha por Paola Valencia & Elizabeth Lara :)
Elizabeth Lara
Mapa Mental por Elizabeth Lara, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Elizabeth Lara
Creado por Elizabeth Lara hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Didactic Sequence (Paola & Ely)
  1. General information
    1. Institution, Subject, Topic, Date, Etc.
    2. Class development
      1. Description of the class in general.
      2. Time distribution
        1. The total minutes distributed in each activity.
        2. Topics and subtopics
          1. Which will be reviewed during class.
          2. Objectives
            1. What you want to achieve with the session.
            2. Teaching materials
              1. The teaching materials to perform the class.
              2. Methods of teaching.
                1. Teaching methods that the teacher will use.
                2. Methods of learning
                  1. Learning methods expected of the student.
                  2. Learning assessment
                    1. What will be evaluated during the session.
                    2. General bibliography
                      1. Reference of the information of the topics to review.
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                      Rúbrica analítica - ejemplo
                      Mehiby Berrones
                      Concepción Pedagogia y Didáctica
                      NEIL BERNAL R.
                      First Impressions - FIRST (FCE)
                      Gramática Inglés
                      Diego Santos
                      ENGLISH CLASS FUTURE FORMS
                      English Test - Please choose one correct option for each sentence.
                      USE OF ENGLISH
                      ANTECEDENTES DE LA PEDAGOGÍA
                      Maestro En Educacion
                      Lectura Rápida
                      Diego Santos
                      Consejos para Realizar un Resumen
                      Diego Santos