Civil War Allee Krzyzak


Civil War Mind Map
Allee Krzyzak
Mapa Mental por Allee Krzyzak, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Allee Krzyzak
Creado por Allee Krzyzak hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Civil War Allee Krzyzak
  1. Battles
    1. First Battle of Bull Run
      1. Manassas,Virginia
        1. July 21,1861
        2. Generals
          1. McDowell
            1. Side:Union
              1. To Control the best route to the Confederate Capital
            2. Stonewall Jackson
              1. Side:Confederate
                1. His unit stood in place and did not let any Union troops through
              2. George McClellan
                1. Side:Union
              3. Union troops gave out.They tried to make an orderly retreat but the roads were clogged. The Confederates had won the battle.
              4. Second Battle of Bull Run
                1. Manassas,Virginia
                  1. August 1862
                    1. Generals: John Pope, Jackson, Mclellan, Captain Fairfield
                      1. Lincoln gave orders to John Pope to March on Richmond. Jackson's troops clash with Pope's. Pope gets pushed back. The Confederates win.
                2. Battle of Antietam
                  1. September 17,1862
                    1. Generals: Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson,McClellan
                  2. Clash of the Iron Clads
                    1. Coastline,Virginia,Texas
                      1. Ships:Virginia-the South, Monitor-the North
                        1. The Confederates captured the Union steamship and renamed it the Virginia. The Virginia sank 2 of the Union ships. The Union built an Ironclad named the it Monitor. After several hours of fighting neither ship was damaged. The Monitor forced the Virginia to withdraw.
                    2. Battle of Shiloh
                      1. South, Tennessee
                        1. April 6,1862
                          1. Generals:Grant, Johnston
                            1. Grant stops at Shiloh church. Waiting for army of Ohio. Grant drills recruits instead of setting up defense. South ambushes North. Johnston is killed on day 1. Ohio army arrives and they push back South. Northern Victory
                      2. Battle of Fredricksburg
                        1. Fredricksburg,VA
                          1. April 1962
                            1. Ambrose Burnside,Lee
                              1. Burnside forces march to Richmond. Meanwhile Lee reunites army. Armies fight. Burnside Retreats
                                1. Union suffered 12,600 Casualities
                                  1. Confederates suffered 5,300 casualties
                          2. Battle of Chanclorville
                            1. Chanclorville April 1863
                              1. Generals:Burnside,Joseph Hooker,Lee, Stonewall Jackson
                                1. Lee attacks Hooker. Stonewall flanks Hooker. The Union army cut into 2. Confederates win.
                            2. Battle of Vicksburg
                              1. Vicksburg,Mississippi 1863
                                1. General Grant cut of the city of Vicksburg. Soldiers of the Confederates ate horses,dogs, and rats. In late June a group of soldiers sent their commander a warning. On July 4th, Pemberton surrendered and Grant immediantly sent food to the soldiers.
                              2. Seven Days Battle
                                1. Richmond,Virginia
                                  1. 1862, Summer
                                    1. Generals: D.H. Hill, Lee, McClellan
                                      1. Lee strengthens position. Confederates forced Union army to retreat
                                        1. Who Won: South/Confederates
                                2. Battle of Gettysburg
                                  1. Small Town called Gettysburg
                                    1. July 1863
                                      1. Generals:Lee, George G. Meade, Ewell, James Long
                                        1. Second Day: Lee ordered an attack on the Union. The Confederates attacked Cemetery Hill and Culp's Hill. The Union forces still held a strong defensive position. Last Day:Longstreet tried to convince Lee to not attack. For over an hour the Confederates shelled Cemetery Ridge with cannon fire. The Union Won.
                                          1. Aftermath:The Union won but General Meade decided not to follow Lee's army. This decision angered Lincoln. He felt Meade missed an opportunity to crush the Confederates and end the war.
                                3. Abraham Lincoln
                                  1. Was the 16th President
                                    1. He was affected because of all fighting going on and he was worried about the country.
                                  2. African Americans
                                    1. Most were set free, so they decided to help fight in the war.
                                    2. Copperheads
                                      1. Copperheads were sent to jail
                                      2. Women
                                        1. They helped work and tend to wounded soldiers. They took over jobs the men had before the war started
                                        2. Advantages of the North
                                          1. More soldiers than the South/Confederates
                                          2. Advantages of the South
                                            1. More supplies than the North/Union
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