Vocabulary Ain't got x I got


Proficiência em Línguas (Getting to know people U2) English A1.1 Mapa Mental sobre Vocabulary Ain't got x I got, creado por Carolina Gonçalves el 29/03/2022.
Carolina Gonçalves
Mapa Mental por Carolina Gonçalves, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Carolina Gonçalves
Creado por Carolina Gonçalves hace casi 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Vocabulary Ain't got x I got
  1. clothes
    1. shoes
      1. Skirt
        1. sweater
        2. other material stuff
          1. home
            1. money
              1. perfume
                1. wine
              2. feelings and abstract things
                1. Love
                  1. Faith
                    1. God
                  2. culture
                  3. family
                    1. mother
                      1. father
                      2. sister
                        1. brother
                          1. child(ren)
                        2. aunt
                          1. uncle
                        3. body
                          1. hair
                            1. head
                              1. brain
                                1. ears
                                  1. eyes
                                    1. nose
                                      1. mouth
                                        1. smile
                                          1. tongue
                                            1. chin
                                  2. arms
                                    1. hands
                                      1. fingers
                                    2. legs
                                      1. foot/feet
                                        1. toes
                                      2. back
                                        1. boobies
                                          1. heart
                                            1. liver
                                              1. blood
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