Memory-Improvement Strategies for the SAT


If you've ever wondered how you can improve your memory to do better in the SAT, then this is the resource for you. Enjoy. This is part of AQA AS Unit 1 (PSYA1) Psychology Exam, in the 'Cognitive Psychology: Memory in everyday life' section of the specification.
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Resumen del Recurso

Memory-Improvement Strategies for the SAT
  1. Verbal Mnemonics
    1. Acronyms
      1. a technique where a word or sentence is made out of the first letters of several words
        1. 'Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain' is used to remember to colours of the rainbow
          1. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
      2. Acrostic
        1. a technique that are sentences or phrases where the first letter in each line or word forms the item to be remembered
          1. 'My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets' is used to remember the order of the planets
            1. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
        2. Rhymes
          1. a technique that groups words with an identity and rhythm
            1. 'Thirty days hath September, April, June and November; February has twenty eight alone. All the rest have thirty-one Except in Leap Year, that's the time When February's Days are twenty-nine'
          2. Chunking
            1. a technique that involves dividing a long string of information into memorable chunks
              1. Can you remember the following letters: 'TVCIABBCLTMFOXNASA'?
                1. Would this be easier: 'TV CIA BBC LTM FOX NASA'?
            2. Narrative Method
              1. a technique where a list of words are learned by linking them together within the context of a story
              2. Evaluations
                1. There is research evidence for verbal mnemonics, Gruneberg (1973) From a survey given to psychology students revising for final exams it was discovered that 30% used mnemonics and they were popular.
                  1. A limitation is that most research has taken place in laboratory conditions which are very artificial and the tools used are very appropriate for mnemonic strategies which are being tested.
                    1. Studies in real classrooms show more uncertain results which are mixed. Mnemonics have been found to effective when teaching forein languages but not in the actual application of the vocab. (speech)
                2. Visual Imagery Mnemonics
                  1. Method of Loci
                    1. a technique that associates parts of material to be recalled with different places
                    2. Keyword Method
                      1. a technique used to associate two pieces of information
                        1. For example learning a new language, and wanting to rememeber the foreign word and the English equivalent
                      2. Spider diagrams
                        1. Mindmaps
                          1. a technique that involves making notes of information in the form of a drawing
                            1. an example of a Mindmap would be this. ;)
                            2. Link Method
                              1. a technique where a list of words are associated with each other
                              2. Evaluation
                                1. Research has shown the effectiveness of these mnemonics, O'Hara found that training people in the use of Loci had long term benefits for old adults.
                                  1. Atkinson (1975) found that Russian vocabulary was learned much more by the group who received training in the use of the keyword method, compared to the control group, but the long term advantage of this method is less well supported.
                              3. Broadly and MacDonald tested memory improvement strategies in Down Syndrome children with memory deficits. Phase 1: children were assessed in a group of tests. Phase 2: One group of children received training in memory improvement techniques and a control group who did not. Phase 3: the children were reassessed and it was found that the experimental group had significantly improved.
                                1. REAL WORLD APPLICATION
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