Nails (Ungues/Onycho)


University Pod Year 1 Mapa Mental sobre Nails (Ungues/Onycho), creado por Morgan Morgan el 18/11/2013.
Morgan Morgan
Mapa Mental por Morgan Morgan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Morgan Morgan
Creado por Morgan Morgan hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Nails (Ungues/Onycho)
  1. Composed of hard keratin. Acts as a protective covering. Assists in grasping small objects and in the appreciation of fine touch. A cosmetic function. Used for scratching.
    1. Nail cells are produced by the nail matrix. 3 areas produce 3 distinct areas of the nail plate. Upper root matrix - dorsal nail plate. Lower root matrix - intermediate nail plate. Nail bed - ventral nail plate. The majority of the matrix is hidden by the proximal nail fold.
      1. LANULA - Moon shaped. Is at the front end of the matrix, extends back under the proximal nail fold. Not everyone has visible lanulas. The shape of the nail plate is related to the shape of the lanula.
        1. Damage to the matrix can cause permanent damage to the appearance of the nail. Destruction of the matrix results in permanent loss of the nail plate. Pigment changes in the nail colour should be investigated.
        2. NAIL PLATE - A dense keratinous structure consisting of cells without nuclei, the cytoplasm consists of randomly arranged keratin fibrils in a shapeless mass.
          1. SHAPE AND COLOUR - Roughly rectangular and flat in shape. The shape is primarily determined by the shape of the terminal phalanx and by the shape of the lanula. Has both longitudinal and transverse curves - fit into nail grooves (sulci). The outer surface is pink and shiny. A matte surface indicates disease.
            1. Thickness - increases proximally to distally and with age. The longer the matrix, the thicker the nail. A flat matrix will produce a flat nail. A curved matrix will produce a curved nail. Highly curved nails are said to be INVOLUTED.
              1. ONYCHODERMAL BAND - a distal yellowish/white margin (yellow line)
          2. NAIL BED - epithelial connective tissue which lies underneath the nail from the lanula to the hyponychium. Responsible for the formation of the ventral nail plate. Consists of stratum germinativum, spinosum, and granuolsom. Supports the nail plate. Is a sterile component
            1. Sterile component of the nail unit. Primary site of nail keratinization. Highly vascular structure - lacks an underlying subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue. As a result nothing separates the dermis from the bone. The dermo-epidermal junction of the nail is in regular longitudinal folds. This ridging between the nail bed and the nail plate firmly holds the nail plate in place and allows a larger surface for transfer
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