Elements of the novel


Story Elements
Mapa Mental por bruce.moore, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por bruce.moore hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Elements of the novel
  1. Characters
    1. name
      1. Zara
        1. wants to join the alliance
          1. 16 Year old girl who has powers
        2. Bastan
          1. A Nazi that wants to join the aliance
            1. Dad is a Nazi general
            2. Uncle Red
              1. Very cautious of the Nazis
                1. Alliance leader in Greenfeild
              2. Setting
                1. Time- after WWll
                  1. Place- A town called Greenfeild in former America
                  2. Theme
                    1. Message- Zara has to learn how to hide her powers from the Nazis. She decides instead to use them to fight the Nazis.
                      1. How brought in to book- It tells how zara learns to control her powers and how she hides them at first but later uses them to fight.
                      2. Main Conflict
                        1. The Nazis are controlling any non Nazis. the Alliance has to fight them
                          1. Cause- The Nazis do not like or respect people that are not like them.
                          2. Author- Caroline Tung Richmond
                            1. Publishing company- Scholast inc.
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