Censorship Reforms


Mapa Mental sobre Censorship Reforms, creado por mhollingsworth09 el 07/10/2015.
Mapa Mental por mhollingsworth09, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por mhollingsworth09 hace alrededor de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Censorship Reforms
  1. Reforms made
    1. Newspapers, books and periodicals no longer had to submit work to be censored
      1. Preventive Censorship
      2. Newspapers could discuss government policy
        1. Editors were given more freedom
      3. Advantages
        1. Relaxation of censorship led to a rapid increase in the no. of works published
          1. Bolder writers and editors were able to push the boundary on sensitive topics
            1. Allowed court cases to be reported
              1. The public was becoming more informed
              2. Disadvantages
                1. Some journals were overly radical or critical of the regime
                  1. The Ministry of Interior did come close to shutting down some publishers
                    1. Social issues wre reported which the regime did not want exposed
                      1. Alcholism
                        1. Crime
                          1. Peasant suffering
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